

Our consultancy covers the wide range of issues that you are likely to encounter when connecting your software client to a TETRA network, from conception through to testing in a simulated environment, and trials with a physical TETRA infrastructure.  

Waking-Up TETRA libraries do not necessarily implement all the features of the infrastructure that they connect to. Because of the sheer scale of a TETRA API, we focus on the features that a customer needs. Of course, this means that we tend to implement commonly used features first and it maybe that we have already covered everything you need. If not, it’s often a small matter to extend the library to cover additional features.


If the consultancy for a project involves a significant extension to our existing libraries, then we will usually provide the licences for the existing libraries free of charge.
The Waking-Up libraries suit a wide range of applications, but of course not all. We can still offer consultancy whether it’s appropriate to connect via our TETRA libraries, or via your own driver layer.We won’t recommend our libraries if we can see that there is a more appropriate solution; our primary goal is getting TETRA systems to work, and in the long run that benefits everyone working in the TETRA market.

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